Hen Island The Movie Cast List

Ron Gatto
Executive Police Director of Emergency Management Unit
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
“These systems were illegally installed, and never approved by any municipality, or our Health Department. They have the potential to cause pollution, not only to the people on the island, but the water quality at the City of Rye marina and bay area as well…. We also noticed this area appeared to have a mosquito infestation. This director and other officials were severely bitten”
Labeled by the New York Times as the “Watershed Warrior”, Ron Gatto has an established reputation as the toughest environmental investigator on the planet. Early in his career, Mr. Gatto worked as a Captain in charge of investigations, protecting the New York City watershed.
In 2007, as Police Director of the Environmental Security Unit for Westchester County, Mr. Gatto headed an investigation of environmental violations on Hen Island. His inspection report documented the absence of potable water, the use of illegal and un-permitted sewage pits along the shores of Long Island Sound, as well as a severe mosquito infestation caused in part by stagnant water collected in horse troughs throughout the island.
Upon filing his inspection report, in preparation for an island shutdown, Mr. Gatto was re-assigned off of the case by his superiors.
Although the Island was inspected in 2007 by Inspector Gatto, his detailed investigation report was intentionally left open for one year. This action prevented the document from becoming evidential information in the trial Ray Tartaglione v. Kuder Island Colony Inc., as it became restricted under Freedom of Information Law.
Inspector Gatto is currently employed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as a Police Director where he continues to protect the environment from his new position.